Revolution March a Sucess!
Below Material from the March Site:
What a Weekend it was! Write ups on the March coming soon!!!
Check back soon!!!
We are in the process of updating the site. We will be adding galleries for members to upload their images of the MARCH and numerous other changes. Most of us are actually just now getting back to everyday life. Some didn't get home until Wednesday.
All in all we consider the event a huge success and extend our thanks to all who helped make this happen - and most of all to all of you R3VOLUTIONARIES who came from all across the our land, from sea to shining sea.
We hope to use this web site as our online base for future events and mass mobilizations... stay tuned! In the meantime we would like to offer these external links to sources that offer lots of pics and videos of the MARCH including a list of just about everything that happened.
» A wondeful image gallery
» Here is a 26 part series on the speakers, march and entering the rally.
(On http://ronpaulforums.com/ )
» R3VOLUTION: It's a Good Thing! (Watch in High Quality)
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