
Friday, July 25, 2008

The Constitution Party - what’s that?

From The Progress-Index

Published: Thursday, July 24, 2008 4:19 AM EDT

The Constitution Party - what’s that?To the Editor:Although I am not a member of a political party, I do try to keep up on the issues. And I continue to be amazed and disappointed by the short shrift, if any, given to many issues by the mainstream and local media.

In general, the Ron Paul revolution has been largely ignored; what an opportunity to springboard off this and educate the American people on our history and what our Constitutional principles are all about, which focus on freedom, peace, and prosperity. Specifically, delve into our foreign policy where our free trade agreements are neither free or fair, and where we spend billions all over the world driving us toward bankruptcy. Some coverage is given to Bob Barr running on the Libertarian Party, and certainly Mayor Bloomberg would get a lot of coverage if he would run as an independent.

But what have you heard about the Constitution Party, America’s fastest-growing and largest third party based on voter registrations? In April that party nominated Chuck Baldwin as their presidential candidate over some other fine individuals, including Alan Keyes. The party actually stands for something (other than getting votes no matter what) to include the right to life and the right to keep and bear arms. The party opposes conscription and any type of constitutional convention. It calls for repeal of the Federal Reserve Act and the “anchor baby” loophole used to provide legal status within our nation for border crossers.

It seeks abolition of the Departments of Education and Energy; withdrawal from the United Nations, NATO, NAFTA, and the WTO; termination of all foreign aid and all tax-supported benefits for illegal immigrants; phasing out of the Social Security system; and ending the practice of sending military forces into battle without a congressional declaration of war. Believing that reducing the size of government to constitutional limits would enormously cut government’s monetary needs, the platform calls for the abolition of the Internal Revenue Service and the repeal of the income-tax amendment.

You know third parties, and fourth parties would be viable in this country if the media would cover them and enlighten and educate us, instead of ignoring them, and spending their millions on rehashing the same stuff, and the same two parties, over and over and over again. C’mon media, start doing your job.

Tom Redfern

The Constitution Party

1 comment:

Katrinka Yobotz said...

The media isn't going to give any third party or independent truthful and respectful coverage because they are part of the wealthy, big shot conglomerate that controls our government against the people. They agree with the global agenda of both mainstream parties.

This will only change when WE the people become our own media and stop voting for the "choices" presented to us by the party bosses.