
Monday, April 20, 2009

This Guy Doesn't Get It.

This guy just does not get it. They Tea Party People are protesting against politician's like him. He voted for all the obscene federal Spending that the Tea Party Activists are fighting.

Republican Rep. Gresham Barrett, who supported both the trillion-dollar TARP and now supports the trillion-dollar stimulus package, was booed and hecled by an estimated 3,000 people at a Tax Day Tea Party.

He continues to say he is against the out of control federal spending and is on their side.


Hey I am for you although I act against you.

He should have shut up and left.

He was trying to save face and his politicasl Arse.

Frederick might not have been 100 our man% per say, but he was elected 100% by the grassroots people within the party. They voted for him to replace the good ol' Boy network of neo-cons and entrenched interests who don't pay attention to anyones voices, neo-con or libertarian conservatives, within the party. From self serving leaders who don't care about the party or its own platform or its true non-neocon conservative values. They only care about power and getting rich by milking the people of Virginia.

Frederick probably should not have used his own firm to make the collections of online contributions. Bad judgment and conflict of interest, but not dismissal worthy.

I think most of those charges are trumped up, and I know from more than thirty years of being around the VA GOP that it has been common practice. But, nobody ever raises a fuss unless the a few of the entrenched powers that be don't like the chairman personally, his faction or his ideology, if that ideology threatens their power.

One quote in the article at
says "even if you want to ignore that every member of the SCC was elected by the same delegates (and then some) that went to last year’s convention"

This quote's logic is flawed. here is why: Of course the leadership of the Party voted against the people who voted Frederick in, but the people who voted Frederick in did not vote for those who voted Frederick out.

Here's why I say that. The problem is many of the grassroots (regular people in the party) only get involved in the statewide conventions. Most don't get involved in their local meetings and groups, that elect the chairs that then serve on the Central Committee, other than filing for delegate so they can go to the state conventions.

They only come out of the woodwork:

A) once a year to do their duty, if they come out then

B) when the fight is on and we (the party) have lost elections. Then they notice we lost because the party brass has swayed away from our true conservative principles.

Many of the 'true conservatives' in the Party are part timers. Tip O'Neil really was right: "All Politics are Local".

This is where the rubber meets the road. Local action, rather in the party or in the our stream society.

If all those who showed up at the state conventions would get involved in their local meetings regularly (or in their local government bodies), then:

1) we would not have this corrupt leadership within the local, state and federal party ranks or in elected offices.

2) we would not have so many neo-cons in charge of our party or in elected office on local, state and federal levels.

3) we would still have Frederick or might have had a better choice still in office. (not a neo-con good ol boy corrupt puppet)

4) The Central Committee would not over ride our votes, because we would have truly elected them at our local meetings.

Its time to stop playing 'back to the wall' politics. Stop only coming out when the going is bad. People get lazy in the fight for Liberty when their wallets and stomachs are fat.

We need to not focus on the highest offices first. Thats why the founding fathers tried to put all the power at the local level. Its easier to make change from where you live, work, eat and play.
You elect good local guys, then they hold the state guy to task, then the state guy holds the federal guy to task.

And, if their is hardly any power at the top levels, then they that you have least control over can do little damage.

~ Publius ~

Monday, April 13, 2009

Republican Party Family Values have Changed :(

The term Grand Old Party has changed in meaning since it was my grandad's, dad's and even my Grand Old Party. It used to be conservative (libertarian conservatism, limited goverment, true free markets, est.). And, it used to be about family values not pornagraphic values. I am against porn in all its forms, but privately you can watch porn all you want, but not using our party's resources to do it.

But on the Republican Party of Virginia's Youtube Channel, in their favorites is a pornsite teaser video called 'The Kiss". There is no nudity or sexual acts involving private parts (it is Youtube), but its pretty racy with girls mackin' out and waving their sex toys around.

Now, that's a Grand Ol' Party!

A picture from their youtube Channel with the porn teaser video circled in yellow:
(Click to see the page - just the video link imge not the video - no nudity)

In case they remove the video, to cover it up we will save the screen shot from on Publius Today's Website here

And here is the Virginia Republican Party's favorite porn video.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Companies start competing for bailout money


WASHINGTON (AP) — The bailout is now the hottest lobbying game in town.

Insurers, automakers and American subsidiaries of foreign banks all want the Treasury Department to cut them a piece of the largest government rescue in U.S. history.

The betting is that many with their hands out will be successful, especially with financial markets in a stomach-churning dive and predictions the economy is about to tumble into a deep recession.

These groups argue that the credit squeeze is so severe and the risks to the economy so dire that their industries need financial support as well.

The Treasury is considering requests from a variety of industries, but has not decided whether to expand the program, officials said Saturday.

Lobbying efforts are intensifying.

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Friday, October 3, 2008

The Full Text of the Wall Street Bailout Bill - 400 Pages

The Full Text of the 400 Page Wall Street Bailout Bill, FULL OF PORK and BAD FOR AMERICA, passed by the Senate, House and signed into Law today by the President.

Here's the full text:

Sell Outs